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  • Joe has been the best coach I could ever ask for in helping me rediscover my values, face demons that hold me back, and become my authentic self. Not only did he not fall into the hole of my cognitive traps but when I needed him to, he either extended a hand to let me climb out of them, or simply pointed them out to allow me to make the choice to walk around them.

      Early Childhood Educator, PA

  • Joe helped me to learn how to love myself, how to love my inner child, which helped me find inner peace, which then allowed me to realize what path the Universe wanted me to travel. I now have direction on what my sacred purpose is.  Now all that is left is to do it. Joe was a critical resource for me and I could not have made my breakthrough without him. Joe will continue to be a resource for me as I work on living my sacred purpose.

      IT Project Manager, NE

  • I never thought I would have been able to give a Tedx talk, let alone one that had over 200 shares globally within the first 5 days of its release. You gave me the tools and guidance to understand my role in the world, I call it "growing freedom!" Through your guidance I stepped outside of myself and experienced the world around me, giving me the opportunity to go beyond my scope of work.

      Early Childhood Educator, NY

  • Coaching and energy healing with Joe was one of the best investments I have made in the growth of my true self. Joe has an intelligent way of demystifying spiritual awakening and holding your hand energetically as you allow yourself the space to transform. His completely non-judgmental and heart-centered empathic approach helped me make the ultimate “mid-life” quit my corporate job, move to a new state and pursue my passion of energy and body healing modalities! Joe is a mentor, friend and fantastically interesting energy psychic who gave me tools for expansion and growth! Don’t wait for your life to fall apart, let it fall naturally back together as you discover yourself through self transformation with Joe!

       Energy Healer/Massage Therapist, AZ

  • Joe helped me regain my self-confidence and helped me realize the opportunities I had to grow in. I am a happier person now, and am someone who is more open to the challenges of life.

      Walt Disney Co., China

  • My coaching relationship with Joe not only was tremendously powerful and sacred, it was spot on in every way. His INCREDIBLE intuition is ALWAYS on point and his fierce courage in asking those tough and uncomfortable questions was the kick in the pants I needed. Braving those uneasy moments with me in grace and acceptance, as a man, spoke to my being and evoked very positive transformation. Joe’s the real deal.

      IT Manager, NC


  • Joe is a powerful catalyst to my personal development. He has helped me navigate life situations and contemplate alternatives that I was unable to see for myself. He is an insightful listener and coach who knows how to set you on the path to living your best life.

      Nurse Practitioner, FL

  • Because of you, I not only can say but I truly and wholly feel; worthy, loved, enough, whole.  Not because of any “thing” or anybody but because it’s now a part of me.  I truly know how to be and not just do because I now know who I am….and I am enough. 

      Senior Account Executive turned entrepreneur, FL

  • I can't thank you enough for facilitating a space that allows growth, exploration, self expression, and discovery just to name a few. You've truly done something wonderful. 

      College Student, FL

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FL License #MA 88560

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