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Because we are all different, I use a holistic, whole person coaching approach. I believe a model for good coaching is to hold my clients as individuals with their own process and sets of needs. My intention is to apply good, heart-centered coaching and use tools as needed, while holding a non-judgmental space for your self-awareness and growth.

Meridian Energetics®

Golden Chakra

Based on the twelve-chakra system, this modality addresses the whole person in relation to the evolutionary process, as it supports the new awareness many are developing through their personal growth. You play an active role in this healing modality, using a combination of energy work, coaching and in the moment awareness to create shifts in your energy, perspectives, physical well-being, and behavior.


Using a combination of different approaches, including lecture, discussion, coaching and experiential/interactive exercises, Your Great Awakening! workshops and trainings are a powerful tool in developing self-awareness and leadership skills. As with individual work, these programs have a holistic, whole person approach by experiencing and integrating all of our humanness… mind, body, spirit and emotion.

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